Foster children face an uphill battle when it comes to their future. Faced with instability, low expectations, inadequate life-skills training, poor adult advocacy on their behalf and lack of encouragement, only 33% of foster teens graduate from high school. Still, over 70% of foster children express a desire to attend college, even though less than 13% will ever enroll. Of all, only 3% of former foster children will ever earn a college degree.
That’s why Hope & A Future is working to see the dream of higher education realized for children who have participated in our programs. In 2007, the John S. Brewer Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to help our foster children beat the odds through ongoing educational assistance, career training and college scholarships.
If you are a foster child that needs assistance for high school tutoring, vocational training, college tuition or housing assistance while in college, we want to be a resource to help you achieve your dreams.
Donations will reduce, dollar-for-dollar, the amount of Arizona taxes you owe. In 2024, a single taxpayer can give any amount up to $587 and married couples can give any amount up to $1,173 and receive the tax credit.
Hope & A Future's QFCO Code is 10021.
Your donation does not limit your ability to give under other Arizona tax credits, such as the private and public school tax credits. You can give and benefit under all three tax credits!
Donations by check are made payable to “Hope & A Future” and mailed to:
Hope & A Future
909 W. McDowell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Call 602-258-5860 with any questions!