Royal Family Kids Camp is a week-long summer camp sponsored by Sun Valley Community Church for kids who are or have been in the foster care system.
If you live in Arizona and your donation will be a 100% tax credit and will reduce, dollar-for-dollar, the amount of taxes you will owe on your Arizona state income tax return. In 2024, a single taxpayer can give any amount up to $587 and married couples can give any amount up to $1,173 and receive the tax credit. Your donation does not limit your ability to give under other Arizona tax credits, such as the private and public school tax credits. You can give and benefit under all three tax credits!
Specifically, RFKC is an unforgettable week of summer camp for children, 7 to 11 years of age, who live the rest of the year in group homes or foster homes. The children create powerful and positive memories to keep them “going and growing” until they return the next summer for another great week at camp.
At RFKC, these special kids find the real warmth and love of family. There is no need to fear adults here. A trusted camp cousin has charge of just two campers and each camper also has a “surrogate” grandma and grandpa as well as a large support staff of aunts and uncles. Our ratio of staff-to-campers is high to ensure success and safety.
During the week we throw a birthday bash – a time of cake, games, and presents – to celebrate each and every child’s special day. At camp, they are constantly affirmed through compassionate care and love.
Donations in ANY amount are appreciated!
Mike & Sharee Patten - Camp Directors RFKC Sun Valley Community Church