Kelly Minott McKennon

Kelly Minott McKennon's Fundraiser

Help me sponsor ONE foster child to attend 2022 RFKC at La Casa De Cristo image

Help me sponsor ONE foster child to attend 2022 RFKC at La Casa De Cristo

Any amount helps - $25, $50, $100 or more!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$3,400 towards $50,000

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! RFKC is a week-long summer camp for kids who are or have been in the foster care system. Many of the kids who attend camp have experienced neglect or abuse or constantly changing home situations. This week is an opportunity for us to shower them with love and fun and allow them to enjoy just being kids. I've been truly blessed and changed by the time I've spent with these kids. It's an amazing experience for the kids and for the volunteers, but it's completely dependent on donors and volunteers!

If you live in Arizona and your donation will be a 100% tax credit and will reduce, dollar-for-dollar, the amount of taxes you will owe on your Arizona state income tax return. If you don't owe any Arizona taxes, you get all of your money back when you file your taxes and receive your refund. A single taxpayer can give any amount up to $500 and married couples can give any amount up to $1,000 and receive the tax credit. Your donation does not limit your ability to give under other Arizona tax credits, such as the private and public school tax credits. You can give and benefit under all three tax credits!

Donations in ANY amount are appreciated!!!